Employment issues and regulations Employment law can be a minefield, especially for the small business owner. Here are some guides to the essentials... Agency workers regulationsWe consider the implications of the Agency Workers Regulations.Annual leaveWe consider their entitlement and some complications of annual leave, including payment, entitlement and sickness during leave.Dismissal proceduresWe consider the key areas that can be involved in employee dismissal, whether it is looking at statutory procedure, possible unfair dismissal claims or simply the right to dismiss an employee.Getting the most out of staff appraisalsMake sure appraisals are effective and useful.Identifying and preventing fraudMinimise the risk of fraud to your business.Occupational pension schemes: trustees' responsibilitiesEmployers can help promote retirement benefits for their employees in a number of ways including occupational schemes.Pensions - automatic enrolmentIf you employ staff, you’ll need to ensure you comply with the auto-enrolment regulations.Recruiting the right staffMake sure you have a structured process for recruitment.Recruitment procedures - employment lawOur suggestions can help you take on better employees by improving your recruitment process and also avoid making mistakes.Statutory sick, maternity and paternity payWe look at an employer's obligations to pay statutory payments and the processes involved.The National Living Wage and the National Minimum WageEnsure you are compliant with all the rates.Your staff handbookKey elements of a staff handbook. Sign up to receive our free monthly emailed topical newsletter Signup News Resources Factsheets